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  1. Recently, the innovation management literature has witnessed a rising interest in the so-called frugal innovation. The term was initially discussed in the context of emerging markets, giving non-affluent custo...

    Authors: Timo Weyrauch and Cornelius Herstatt
    Citation: Journal of Frugal Innovation 2016 2:1

    The Publisher's Erratum to this article has been published in Journal of Frugal Innovation 2017 2:2

  2. For the first time, low-cost open-source 3-D printing provides the potential for distributed manufacturing at the household scale of customized, high-value, and complex products. To explore the potential of th...

    Authors: Ben Wittbrodt, John Laureto, Brennan Tymrak and Joshua M Pearce
    Citation: Journal of Frugal Innovation 2015 1:1